I haven't blogged in a bit over a week now, for several reasons.
The kids had their week long Winter Break last week, and wouldn't ya know, they ended up spending their vacation time sick! DH and Bubba seemed to show the sypmtoms first and recovered quickly, mid week Baby Girl and I both got it, and took us longer to recover. It hit Baby Girl pretty hard and we ended up taking her to the doc just to make sure it was something that she'd just have to ride out, it was, she was better in time to get back to school the following Monday. I ended up missing 1 day from work and missed out on overtime, I really hate that, I love to see overtime pay in my paycheck! But oh well, what can you do?
But another thing that has kept me off the blog, I'm a procrastinator, yeah, I'll stop putting things off, tomorrow! LOL! I don't have a problem admitting that, I seem to almost NEVER finish something I've started. I get these ideas in my head, yeah I'm gonna do this or that, I'll actually start, then BAM, I'm done before I'm finished. Not sure why that is, but I think maybe I'm afraid of failure. I can't really FAIL if I don't finish right? I'm too busy trying to make sure that whatever it is I'm doing is pleasing, to everyone, what if what I'm doing doesn't please ANYONE? Maybe I need to seek therapy? Here's an example of what I'm talking about: I started crocheting a baby blanket (I am a beginner crocheter although I started learning YEARS ago). The blanket was started 2 years ago and it's not even near half way done. hmmmmmmmmmm.
This blog, I started, and not even sure why now, well I know the reasons why but now I'm wondering again WHY? So what am I gonna blog about? Am I really that interesting? Are any of my adventures that interesting or amusing? What is it people really want to read about?
I've thought about telling my story here, especially the one of me and DH and how we met and how I came to NY (alot of people still don't know). Some people may find it interesting some may not.
Ok so what kinds of things would you really like to hear about? Like where I'm from? Where I've been? and Where I am now in life? Let me know!!
I'll read anything you want to post to the world!