Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Womans Work Is NEVER done

Today I would love to be a lazy day.  It is Sunday, suppose to be a day of rest, but when oh when does a woman really have a FULL day of rest????? 

There's always something that needs to be done, cooking, cleaning, errands, etc., etc.!  If it were just myself, or even just myself and DH, maybe I could get away with a FFY (fend for yourself) day, and get away with it, but with kids, it's impossible!

It doesn't help that I'm not good at time management, never have been and would love to be (any tips or tricks in comments highly appreciated). 

Like today, I know what all needs to be done, yet, I'm here on blogger, complaining about it (this is where my addictions blog comes in handy so you'll understand lol). 

In my thinking though, I have a full time job, and have to come home to another full time job, there's got to be a way to manage it better!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

From Brrrrrr, NY

Yes, it's cold outside, very cold outside, well not just outside but I'm beginning to feel the chill inside now!  I hear the winds,  that's a sound I miss sometimes.

People think I'm crazy but being in NY now, there are times I miss Tornado season.  Don't ask me why, just know that I am odd. LOL!  I could do without seeing the damage that a Tornado brings, to peoples properties, to peoples lives.  But however, Tornadoes are a beautiful act of nature when viewed from a safe position and it's only damaging un-inhibited land. 

Back to it being cold out, I was honored to get a phone call from my sister "back home" telling me that it was so warm out she's had to turn on her air conditioner (yes it's still Feb.).  Then she precedes to give my cold and nasty weather forecast that she gets from the weather station ( like I didn't already have this info).  She hasn't been the only one to complain of the heat back there the last few days but come on people, keep those things to yourself, believe me if I could I would send you some of this cold weather effective immediately. 

Enjoy your warmth, yes I do envy you!

Friday, February 18, 2011

You can take the girl out of the country but you can never take the country out of the girl.

  There's so much truth to that statement.  In all my years growing up and living in a small rural town located in Oklahoma, I never pictured myself living my life in New York.  Life brings about surprising changes and in my mid 30's it's exactly where I ended up, against the wishes of some family members and friends, I relocated to Albany.  Circumstances that brought me here, well that's a whole other story, that someday may come out for those who don't know it yet.

For those who don't know Albany let me describe the City from my point of view.  It is not a huge place, smaller in area than Oklahoma City or Tulsa, hence earning the name of "smallbany".  It is however croweded, everything as I would describe it is "piled on top of everything else".  When asked from people back home how I like the City, I tolerate it, I've adjusted in some ways, but some things I just can't let go of.
I was afraid that I would be in the middle of what seems to be "chaotic living" as surviving in NYC seems to be, luckily Albany is not that bad.  I can't honestly say from experience that NYC would be that bad as I haven't gathered enough courage to venture even to visit the City, YET.

There are Pros and Cons to my life in NY.  The academic and extra curricular opportunities available for the kids are astounding.  I happened into a job that has given me things that in the past I could have only wished for.  And moving here has also given me the opportunty to meet some wonderful people that I thought no longer existed in todays world.  However there are so many times I miss being able to sit out in the yard, watching kids run and play with no worries in the world, I miss knowing people you pass on the street, going to the lake in the summer time without having to fight a crowd, or just driving down an old dirt road just to clear my mind.

My life now is also so much busier than before.  Always having to do this or that, a meeting of some sort here or there.  Missing the occassions needed for "taking time to stop and smell the roses".  But this all goes hand in hand with having children who are active, who are successful, and supporting them in all that they do.  Living here in NY has its advantages, I just hope someday my children get to experience the luxury of the country.

(orginally posted 9-22-10)